Vimeo에 있는 DSLR 카메라 기초 강의

2011. 10. 30. 06:26TIPs/Photo n Movie


Vimeo에 올라온 DSLR카메라 기초강의 입니다. Vimeo는 유튜브 비슷한 서비스인데 개인화에 좀더 중점을 두었고 비지니스버전(유료)과 개인버전(무료)은 사용에 약간 차이가 있습니다.

이 강의 동영상은 남자한명 여자한명이 마당에 사이좋에 앉아 진행하는데 강의라기보다 카메라 3대를 놓고 비교하는 리뷰형식으로 진행하고있습니다. 회사 홈페이지에 공식적으로 DSLR 강의 영상을 올린 것을 보면 Vimeo가 영상 아티스트들이 모여서 만든 회사라 사진/영상분야에 애착이 많은가 봅니다.

사이좋게(?) 열심히 설명하고 있는 두분

Introduction to DSLR Cameras with Philip Bloom from Vimeo Video School on Vimeo.

 아래는.. 본 동영사을 소개하는 원문입니다. 본 강의 공식 사이트

DSLR stands for digital single lens reflex. DSLR cameras use a mirror to reflect the image from the lens to the viewfinder, behind the mirror is a sensor. The sensor is what takes that light and interprets it as a electronic signal that shows up on your camera's screen. It's more complicated than that, but I don't want to hurt your brain before we even get this lesson started!

The larger the sensor, the better your camera will be in low light, and the larger your field of view will be. Large sensor, or full-frame cameras, are more expensive than cameras with cropped sensors.

Every DSLR camera has pros and cons. To find the right camera for you, you’ll need to research all the features that come with the camera and look around online or on Vimeo for example footage. Vimeo has entire Groups dedicated to many different types of cameras like the 5D Mark II, EOS 7D, Nikon D90 and a catch-all DSLR Cinema Group.

Advantages of shooting video with a DSLR camera.

  • High Quality -- Nearly every DSLR camera that shoots video can shoot in 1080p, which is very high quality HD.
  • Film Look -- DSLR cameras can imitate the look of film very well. This means your videos will look like what you see when you go to the movies!
  • Also a Stills Camera -- Remember, your DSLR is primarily a stills camera, which means you can easy go back and forth between video and photo mode.

When it comes to deciding which camera is the best for you, keep in mind that technology is always advancing, so new cameras will have new features all the time, therefore there will never be a “perfect” camera. In the end, what you can afford is the most important factor.
For extra credit...
Phil reviews lots of DSLR cameras on his personal site. See what he has to say about a camera you're interested in at
Okay, now that we've reviewed the basics of DSLR cameras, check out the other lessons and tutorials in our DSLR category.

